• Faculty of Medicine
  • fomadmin@um.edu.my
  • 03 - 7967 6686


The word pediatrics is derived from two Greek words paidi which means "child" and iatros which means "doctor". The obvious difference between paediatrics and adult medicine is the size of the patient. The smaller body of an infant is substantially different physiologically from that of an adult. Congenital defects, genetic variance, immunology, oncology, and a host of other issues are unique to the realm of pediatrics.

This programme emphasizes and addresses the difference between treating an adult and treating a child. And although dedication is not a lesson that can be learnt in a classroom, the Master of Paediatrics programme offers a comprehensive syllabus that covers the discipline, equipping graduates with not only the intellect, but the heart as well, to succeed in their careers.



Paediatrics as a specialty deals with the family, community besides caring for the individual from the time of birth through age of 18 years. In Malaysia it is estimated that 26.4% (7.7 mil) of the population is under 15 years old (2012 Ministry of Health Malaysia, Health Facts). It is the most holistic of all medical specialties with care ranging from preventive care, anticipatory guidance and advocacy for children apart from the usual treatment of illnesses, thus minimizing the adverse effects of disease and allowing children to lead as normal life as possible. Children are generally well and healthy individuals and paediatricians enjoy working with a group of delightful and entertaining group of individuals, while at the same time having to deal with varied parents and other social support groups, making working life enjoyable and diverse. While children may present with an acute, critical or complex problem they are nursed back to complete normalcy and often permanently. The job is thus challenging, intellectually stimulating, enjoyable, emotionally satisfying and rewarding.

Paediatricians may choose to work at various levels:

  • General practice in the community
  • Hospital based consultants
  • Tertiary level teaching hospitals
  • Academic institutions

A trained paediatrician can opt to subspecialise in the various subspecialties ranging from neonatal intensive care to community paediatrics. Each subspecialty is forward-looking offering vast opportunities for research frequently leading to exciting and impressive discoveries.

Paediatricians often have to work with different professionals including:

  • School teachers
  • Social workers
  • Physiotherapists
  • Speech therapists
  • Dieticians

(1) The programme of study comprises three stages as follows:

  • (a) Stage I comprising basic clinical training in Basic Medical Sciences and General and Emergency Paediatrics;
  • (b) Stage II in the second and third year comprising of
    • (i) advanced training in the field of Paediatrics; and
    • (ii) a research project;


  • (c) Stage III comprising further advanced training in the field of Paediatrics and completion of the research project.

(2) A candidate is required to keep a log book throughout his period of study to document tasks undertaken.

(3) No candidate shall be permitted to proceed to Stage II of the programme of study unless he has passed or has been exempted from the Part I Examination.

(4) No candidate shall be permitted to proceed to Stage III of the programme of study unless he has passed the Part II Examination.

A non-Malaysian applicant whose degree is from a university or institution of higher learning where the medium of instruction for that degree is not the English language shall be required:

(a). To obtain a score of 600 for a paper-based total (PBT); a score of 250 for a computer-based total (CBT) or a score of 100 for an internet-based total (IBT) for the Test of English as a Foreign Language (TOEFL); or

(b). To obtain a band of 6 for the International English Language Testing System (IELTS) (Academic).

(1) Entry qualifications

  • The degrees of Bachelor of Medicine and Bachelor of Surgery of the University or an equivalent medical qualification approved by the Senate; and
  • At least one year of post-full registration clinical experience approved by the Senate.

(2) Other requirements

  • Qualifies for registration as a medical practitioner under the Medical Act 1971 (Act 50) of Malaysia; and
  • Satisfies the Department responsible for the candidate’s programme of study in an Entrance Evaluation recognised by the Faculty.
Once a year in the month of June.
Fee Structure for Full-Time
Fee Structure for Part-Time

Last Update: 13/01/2025