The ePortfolio assessment, a Self-contained system for recording and documenting the supervised learning activities during the trainee’s journey within the training program. It also serves as a repository of the certified and validated evidence of the Trainees Learning, Competency levels and Experience throughout the programme.
It provides a more structured approach in managing the trainees’ journey in the delivery of a standardised and unified curriculum.
A fully online platform for Postgraduate Medical Specialist Training to structure, manage, monitor, and assess the full Student Learning Journey.
A complete and comprehensive Portfolio of validated learning achievements and experience, that serves as evidence throughout the Training Programme and potentially the future career of the Specialist.
A structured but flexible platform that will accommodate all PG Medical Training Programmes and is customisable for any Programme and University.
The following video links will guide the trainer and trainee through the use of the system
Only trainees who have successfully registered into the program will be allowed to access the system.
For 1st time login users
Trainees: your username will be your MMC number
Supervisors: Your username will be your UMMAIL without the “” You May obtain your temporary password from your respective Program administrator. Once you have logged into the system, kindly change to your password preferred by clicking on your Profile menu tab.
1. How many In and out campus supervisors are needed?
You can have a minimum of 1 and a maximum of 4 educational supervisors. You are advised to confirm the number of supervisors assigned to you from the program coordinator.
2. Can I add subsequent educational supervisors once I have obtained approval from my 1st supervisor?
Yes, you can keep adding the assigned education supervisors if required. However, each time a new supervisor is added under the general learning agreement section, all existing supervisors are required to re-approve again.
3. If I have forgotten or am unable to retrieve my password, what should I do?
Contact the Program admin/IT support to reset your password.
4. Unable to search for my supervisor from the dropdown list?
Contact the Program admin/IT support.
5. I would like to edit my study plan, but I am unable to click the edit button in my study plan.
Under “Study Plan List” section 🡪 Click on “Resubmit” 🡪 Click on “Save and Next” 🡪 Click on the Pencil icon. Now you will be able to edit your study plan.
6. Who makes the study plan approval?
The Program coordinator.
7. What is the sequence purpose in my study plan?
A sequence is to indicate which will be your 1st, 2nd ,3rd, and 4th rotation. To edit the sequence, refer to question 5.
8. How many supervisors are allowed in a rotation?
You can only add 1 rotation supervisor in a rotation.
9. Where can I add or update my rotation supervisor?
This can be done under the study plan section, refer to question 5 to add or update your rotation supervisor.
10. When can I start submitting my assessments?
- you may submit once your study plan has been approved by the program coordinator and the rotation supervisor has also approved the rotation. once approved click on “Start Rotation” under the “Rotation Learning Agreement-Start” section
11. How many active rotations can I have at a time?
You can have up to 2 active rotations at a time.
12. What if my Rotation supervisor accidentally ends my Rotation?
You will need to contact the IT admin to release the rotation.
13. What if I have submitted my assessment, but my supervisor logged into the ePortfolio portal and is unable to mark my assessment?
To mark your assessment, the supervisor or the assessor is not required to login into the system but would have received an email notification to complete the assessment.
14. Will I be able to view the marked assessment?
Yes, you can view your marked assessment under the “Workplace Based Assessment” section.
15. Can I delete my submitted assessment?
No, you won’t be able to delete the assessment, except editing and re-submit your assessment again.
16. How do I edit my submitted assessment?
Click on “Workplace Based Assessment” 🡪 “Resend Email”, now you can edit your content and resubmit again.