• Faculty of Medicine
  • fomadmin@um.edu.my
  • 03 - 7967 6686
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The Biomedical Science Programme provides knowledge and training in the field of medical science with emphasis on healthcare and research. Students enrol in the Programme for a minimum of 4 years.  In the first year, students are introduced to the basics of medical sciences, whereby students will acquire their fundamental understanding of human body structure, functions and mechanisms. By their second year, students will come to appreciate the impact of disease and pathology as they proceed to gain expertise in specific biomedical disciplines such as Histopathology, Haematology, Chemical Pathology and Infectious Diseases. Students will uncover the principles underlying various analytical methods and investigatory procedures used in laboratory medicine and gain confidence and skill from practical sessions that consolidate theoretical instruction. An Industrial Training attachment in the third year will bolster the student’s independence and provide exposure to real-world biomedical services. When students return to the faculty for their final year, they are ready to embark on what will be the most important milestone of their undergraduate years: carrying out research projects of their own design in their chosen area of interest. 

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About Programme


The Programme aims to produce graduates who are laboratory oriented and technically competent. Graduates should be able to fulfil the human resource requirement for skilled personnel in Biomedical Science, which is an expanding and advancing field globally. To achieve that aim, the Programme’s Educational Objectives (PEO) are:

  1. Graduates demonstrate and apply knowledge and skills in health and biomedical science-related fields. 
  2. Graduates engage in life-long learning pursuits related to health and biomedical science.
  3. Graduates contribute to the promotion of health practices for the wellbeing of society. These objectives will be attained through the Biomedical Student’s achievement of the Programme’s eight learning outcomes.  


At the end of Bachelor of Biomedical Science Programme, the Biomedical Science graduates are able to: 

  1. Acquire comprehensive knowledge in biomedical science.
  2. Demonstrate critical thinking and problem-solving skills in the application of biomedical science knowledge.
  3. Demonstrate competent biomedical laboratory skills in the relevant setting.
  4. Communicate effectively in writing and orally with accuracy and confidence to a wide range of audiences. 
  5. Utilise digital resources and technology to support acquisition of appropriate information.
  6. Demonstrate collaborative attributes in ensuring accountability and responsibility to achieve common goals.
  7. Demonstrate independent learning and understanding of laboratory management principles.
  8. Demonstrate the ability to identify ethical issues and conform to ethical principles within the profession and society. 

Career Opportunity

The Biomedical Science graduate from Universiti Malaya is confident, skilled, ambitious and ready for life’s journey. Career opportunities are wide-ranging and include employment in clinical laboratory service departments, teaching institutions and research centres in public as well as private sectors. The Biomedical Scientist can assume responsible positions in either (1) a healthcare team that is concerned with the care of patients and/or with basic and applied clinical research; or (2) a research team in allied medical disciplines, in food and pharmaceutical industries, in public health, and in biotechnology.  In addition, post-graduate training is strongly encouraged, either within the country or abroad, all towards attaining the goal of heightening the quality of biomedical science and improving healthcare and welfare for all.  

Course Structure

Kindly refer to the Undergraduate Handbook: Click Here

Entry Requirement

How to Apply

  • For Malaysian applicants, please apply online to UPU (date as advertised annually by UPU) at: https://upu.mohe.gov.my
  • For applicants with A-levels/IB/Graduate entry, please apply under ‘Diploma/Setaraf’
  • For International applications, please apply online to University Malaya at: https://apply.um.edu.my

Visa Application

Please go to https://aasc.um.edu.my/unit-uppa for further information and assistance.


For both Malaysian and International applicants, please go to: https://hep.um.edu.my/ for accommodation enquiries.


Or inquire via phone or WhatsApp:
Within Malaysia: +60183596520 or
Outside Malaysia: +60182659611

Flow-chart of Admission Process to Universiti Malaya’s Biomedical Science Programme

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Contact Us

Faculty of Medicine
Universiti Malaya
50603 Kuala Lumpur

Tel: +60379674941 / 6686, +60379492156
Email: ddu_fom@um.edu.my

Please visit us at these websites:
Faculty of Medicine: https://medicine.um.edu.my/ 
Universiti Malaya: https://www.um.edu.my/
Academic Administration & Services Centre (AASC): https://aasc.um.edu.my/
Marketing & Recruitment Centre (MRC): https://study.um.edu.my/


Last Update: 13/01/2025