• Faculty of Medicine
  • fomadmin@um.edu.my
  • 03 - 7967 6686

The Fusion Summit: Emerging Visions

Jul 15, 2023
08.30 AM - 06.00 PM

Greetings! We are Gathering of the Great Minds (GOTGM) 2023, collaborating with Malaysian Medical Summit (MMS) with its great 10th anniversary co-organised by Universiti Malaya Medical Society (UM MEDSOC) and Malaysian Medics International (MMI) with the theme “The Fusion Summit: Emerging Visions”. Due to the emergence of the contract doctor system issue, and escalating interest in emergency medicine, radiology, and medical research among medical students and healthcare professionals, our main aim is to educate them on those challenges and insights so as to prepare them to embrace the future of healthcare. This two-day event will be on the 15 and 16 of July at the Faculty of Medicine, Universiti Malaya. 16 CPD points are also awarded to participants consisting of medical officers, specialists and relevant healthcare professionals. Don’t miss your chance and secure your spot here! 
