• Faculty of Medicine
  • fomadmin@um.edu.my
  • 03 - 7967 6686

Quantitative Research - A 5-week eLearning Course

Dec 04, 2023
12.00 AM - 12.00 AM

This course aims to help healthcare researchers to acquire the knowledge and skills of conducting a quantitative research project. For more information and to register, go to: https://www.openlearning.com/courses/hero-quantitative-research/?cl=1&showLanding=true 


The Department of Primary Care Medicine and the eHealth Unit, Faculty of Medicine, Universiti Malaya invites you to register for the HeRO_Quantitative Research online course. This course aims to help healthcare researchers to acquire the knowledge and skills of conducting a quantitative research project. The topics covered in this course are comprehensive and suitable for individuals from various quantitative research knowledge and skill levels. Participants will be introduced step-by-step from the initial phase of formulating quantitative research questions to understanding the various types of quantitative research designs. Methods that are staple to quantitative research such as sampling, sample size calculation, and questionnaire validation will be taught. The last few modules of this course will cover advanced statistics, and how to present quantitative research findings.

Course fee (This is the first time that we are offering this course and therefore a special rate is given)

Registration (Payment link is included in the google link)

For more information, e-mail: fom_elearning@um.edu.my

We welcome registration from everyone.
