• Faculty of Medicine
  • fomadmin@um.edu.my
  • 03 - 7967 6686

Biobank Unit is a central tissue repository unit that can safely and efficiently stores, handle and track a wide variety of ethically-procured biospecimens. Biobank offers a complete suite of services from tissue procurement, processing, inventory and storage.

The Biobank iniative was undertaken by UM Cancer Research Institute (UMCRI) in 2011. It has now evolved to a facility that has banked more than 40000 good quality specimens and is bona fide unit under Faculty of Medicine, University of Malaya

Professor Dr. Hany Mohd Ariffin

Head of Department


Bil Salutation Name Email Phone
1 Professor Dr. Hany Mohd Ariffin hany@um.edu.my 03-79492065
Bil Salutation Name Email Phone
1 Mr. Mohd Syafiq Salleh msyafiq@um.edu.my 03-79677899

  1. Biobanking Service
    - Procuring biospecimens from patients in UMMC.
    - Processing and storing biospecimens following international guidelines.
  2. Freezer Storage Services
    - 20 Units of -80 Freezer are available at Biobank. User can rent space according to the preference whether by boxes or a whole freezer compartment.
  3. Histology Services.
    - Biobank offer complete service of histology, processing sample into FFPE block and slides at affordable price.
  4. Other Sharing Equipment available at the Biobank Unit include:
    i. Nikon Eclipse E200D Microscope with Slide Display Monitor
    ii. Kubota 3500 Refrigerated Centrifuge
    iii. Kubota 2420 Table Top Centrifuge
    iv. Scan Vac Vacuum Concentrator

To create more visibility for the unit in order to get more user to use the biobank services. To be involve in UMI business pods in order to have more chance in generating income.

Last Update: 14/11/2021